How to Create Clarity on Your Vision for the Future

One of the biggest mistakes I see in businesses is the lack of clarity on the Vision for the company and the lack of communication of this Vision to the team. It is not only critical to have a clearly defined Vision for the future of your business, but to also have one for your own personal future. Vision is so important it is literally the first step in our newly launched Freedom Business Framework, the framework that has been refined with over 20 years of experience.

When I speak about Vision, I’m not talking about a checklist of things you want to tick off, I’m talking specifically about what you want your life experience to look like. Your Vision is a culmination of what you want your business to look like, what you want your relationship with family and friends to look like, your Vision for your health and wellbeing and essentially, what you want your everyday life to be like. 

Your Vision for your future will pull you through the hardest times, because it is the Vision that acts as a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s the foundation of all your business and life decisions. It was my Vision for my business and my life that helped pull me through the challenges of COVID such as the lockdowns, which, for a company that runs in-person Events, was a very difficult time. 

For our Inner Circle members, the Vision for their business is the pathway towards building their own Freedom Business. Why? Because with a Freedom Business, they have the time and resources to live their ideal everyday life. This is why your Vision must be more than just a business Vision, you want to know the specifics of what you are working towards after you have achieved your business Vision.

So, What is your Vision for your future?

Where do you see your business in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?

Where do you see your relationships in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?

Where do you see your life in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?

Can you articulate what you want your everyday life to look like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?

Through cultivating a clear, specific Vision that is written down and planned out, the transformation of your Vision becoming your reality is inevitable. To build a profitable Freedom Business you will need to follow a clearly defined roadmap. Your Vision forms part of this roadmap. It will navigate you to the pinnacle of success, the top of your mountain where your mission sits, eagerly waiting for you. 

So why does your team need to be in on this Vision? Well, they don’t need to know the specifics of your life Vision, but as far as the business is concerned they need to know what they are working towards. As a leader with Vision, your team needs you to help them see the big picture, to empower them to take ownership and to thrive doing what they are great at while helping the business grow! 

It’s not just you who needs to be clear on the Vision, your team needs to know it and be inspired by it.

It’s not just you who needs to be clear on the Vision, your team needs to know it and be inspired by it.

The employment marketplace is rapidly changing. The next generation of our workforce will want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to contribute to something meaningful and it will go beyond just their paycheck. 

When cultivating a Vision for your business, think about the potential realities available to you. With a Freedom Business, complete time and financial freedom is not only possible, but it is achievable.

If you’re wanting to take that next step and to get clarity on your Vision or perhaps you would like to find out more about becoming an Inner Circle member, reach out here to schedule your Freedom Diagnostic Call today.

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