Careers that make a difference

Keen to be part of the Sean Soole dream team? We take hiring pretty seriously. So, we’re always on the lookout for (brilliant) values-aligned humans to join us.

what we’re about

Ask us why we’re all here and it’s simple. Each one of us cares deeply and passionately about being part of something that’s bigger than just our own dreams, aspirations, needs and wants. We are here to use our skills and as a force for good. As a driver of positive change and meaningful action.

As our brand mission goes, we provide leaders with the ability to create positive change in their lives so they can achieve their version of success and leave a legacy that goes beyond money. If this resonates with you, and you believe wholeheartedly in what we value, send us some information about yourself and what you can bring to the team.

Our Team Values

We do what we say we will do

We communicate openly & honestly

We are humble, authentic & aware of ego

We have fun & celebrate wins

We support each other with openness & empathy

We hold ourselves & others accountable

We are deliberate not desperate

We have a culture of continuous improvement

We practice strong self leadership

We are consistent, effective & outcome focussed

Your Mission
Basecamp Four
Basecamp Three
Basecamp Two
Basecamp One

Build a legacy that goes beyond money

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